jueves, 6 de julio de 2023

The last blog post

The blog that most enjoyed writing was "My firts travel to Magallanes", because I had to remember things far away in time. The blog that liked the least to write was about the Canary Islands because I couldn't find the right words to express that. The blog I enjoyed reading the most was the one about "Dr. Who", because I thought it could be very entertaining and I had never heard it in my life.

My level of English is very basic, but I feel taht I retained at least one word per class. Therefore I have improved. 

I liked is that I could revise the grammar and vocabulary. I did not like was that everything was very difficult.

The last blog post

The blog that most enjoyed writing was "My firts travel to Magallanes", because I had to remember things far away in time. The blo...