jueves, 29 de junio de 2023

Profesor Rosa

Today I talk about a TV programme "El mundo del Profesor Rosa". The programme was about nature, but mainly about wild fauna. The main characters were "Don Carter", "Guru Guru" y the "Profesor Rosa". When I was a child it was my favorite show. Don Carter was the postman, who visited the house of the Profesor Rosa; Guru Guru was a messenger bird adoptad by the Profesor Rosa and could not speak well; and the Profesor Rosa was the main character, who explained to us what the natural world was like. 

The programme was broadcast every Saturday afternoon and the plot taht look place at the Profesor Rosa's house was very funny. The show ended when I was eight years old. My saturdays were never the same again. The show was expeptionally good for me. I was looking forward to it all week. No show could ever make up for that loss.

The Profesor Rosa's house had a secret cellar under the stairs and I was very excited when they entered, because it was dark and had many surprises, like a laboratory and machines.

jueves, 15 de junio de 2023

La Pancha

 Today I talk about my friend "la Pancha". She lives in Canela Baja, Coquimbo region. She is my same age.We have knrown each other for many years, when we were both history Bachelor's. His mom had an agreement at work, so we could go to the movies for only a thousand pesos. We went every day and we even repeated movies. Also, we both like history and nature, so we can spend hours and hours talking about our interests. She has traveled many times to my house, in the south of Chile, and I have traveles many times to her house. On these trips, wich we do every year, we take advantage of knowing the flora of the place and visiting historical places.

The last blog post

The blog that most enjoyed writing was "My firts travel to Magallanes", because I had to remember things far away in time. The blo...