jueves, 25 de mayo de 2023

Canary Islands


Last year I read the book "Metodología y práctica de la Biogeografía" (Guillermo Meaza), where they gave the Canary Islands as an example (since the islands have very incredible vegetation floors). I found it very interesting, so I would like to visit the Canary Islands in Spain.

jueves, 11 de mayo de 2023

My weekend it was un interesting, becouse only I worked and I was to vote. Therefore, I talk about the last week, from tuesday and thursday. In those days I trekked trought the mountain range of the Ñuble region. I traveled from Santiago to the borough San Fabián de Alico. In that place a Land Rover (from de year 1977) picked me up. The vehicle went up a mountain that had forest. There was the campsite. There I stayed two nights.

The place was very beautiful. There were many species of trees, such like (spanish name) hualo, raulí, roble (hualle), lenga, ñirre, coigüe, mañío de hojas largas, mañío de hojas cortas, avellano chileno, canelo, ciprés de la cordillera, among others. Also, there was many birds and fungus.

The last blog post

The blog that most enjoyed writing was "My firts travel to Magallanes", because I had to remember things far away in time. The blo...